Blogging Milestone + Giveaway

I’ve hit a small blogging milestone: 800 posts!! I’d like to celebrate and say thanks for following me on this crazy ride by doing a couple of giveaways- the first one being today!

I’ll be sending one of you lucky readers this fun pillow courtesy of Target. Doesn’t it look great on my couch?

pillow giveaway

pillow giveaway 2

Also, I’ve been doing some behind the scenes brainstorming to come up with ways to revamp this blog. I would be extremely appreciative if you wouldn’t mind taking a minute to answer my short survey below and give your feedback to help me out. Thank you in advance!!

If you’d like to enter to win this colorful arrow pillow, use the rafflecopter below. The giveaway will go until Friday night at midnight.

Good luck!!

PS- There’s a giveaway going on over at Bookmark To Blog today as well!

Replanting the Yucca plants + Giveaway

Hey everyone! Just a reminder about the super cool giveaway I’ve got going on over at Bookmark To Blog today. Make sure you click over and enter! I’ll be choosing two winners. Everyone is welcome to enter!

So, I have to admit something. As much as I love gardening, I sometimes suck at it. I’ll admit something else too– sometimes I suck at it simply because I get lazy about it. This is what happened in the case of these sad looking Yucca plants we have in our backyard.

Replanting Yucca plant 2

I’m pretty sure we got these from Andy’s parents a couple of years ago and I proceeded to just leave them in the backyard without bothering to transplant them or anything. It’s got to say something that they actually survived this long. Especially because I hardly ever thought to water them. Luckily they can survive in “dry and poor soil.”

Replanting Yucca plant 3

Anyway, I thought it was high time I fixed them up. I purchased two of these large planters. I have two more in the front yard and I love them. They are light weight but sturdy. I got them at Wally World.

Replanting Yucca plant 5

I mixed potting soil with some soil we had in the yard and made sure to pull off all the dead leaves before replanting them. That’s pretty much it.

Replanting Yucca plant 1
Replanting Yucca plant 4

They still look kind of pathetic, but I’m hoping that now the Yucca have a new home, they’ll start to thrive again. In all actuality they should look like THIS. Oops.

Replanting Yucca plant 6

What have you neglected this summer that you really shouldn’t have?
ps- Don’t forget to enter the giveaway!